martes, 28 de abril de 2020

Vocabulary Module 4:

appearance - aspecte  

bang - cop de porta

beat - ritme 

bitter - amarg 

colorful - acolorit/ida 

flavour - sabor 

gorgeous - preciós/osa

pattern - patró 

rotten - podrit/ida

rough - aspre

scent - perfum 

scratch - esgarrapar, fer picor 

shape - forma

shiny - brillant

smooth - llis, suau

soft - suau 

stare - mirar fixament

stink - fer picor 

tickle - fer pessigolles a 

whisper - xiuxiuejar 

yell - cridar 


accurately - amb exactitud, fidelment 

aloud - en veu alta 

boost - estimular 

by heart - de memòria 

conscious - conscient

daydream - somiar despert/a, somiejar

disorder - transtorn, malaltia 

inability - incapacitat 

likely - probable

loss - pèrdua

make an effort - fer un esforç

positive - segur/a, positiu/iva

powerful - poderós/osa; potent

recall - recordar

recognise - reconèixer 

remind - recordar (a algú)


anxiety - preucupació; ansietat

common - comú/una , corrent.

cope with - fer front a 

face - fer front / enfrontar-se a

fear - por

get over - superar

heights - altures (tenir por de les altures)

helpless - impotent, incapacitat/ada

pound - bategar

struggle - lluitar; tenir dificultats

suffer - patir aguantar

sweat - suar

terrifying - aterridor/a, espantós/osa

trapped - atrapat/ada

treatment - tractament 

upset - disgustar

weird - estrany/a 

sábado, 28 de marzo de 2020

Film review:

Monsters, Inc. is a children's movie about a world of monsters which get the energy of the entire city through the screams of children. In this world, children are believed to be highly toxic.

The film begins with two protagonists who are confronted with having a girl in their home after an incident at work.

At the end, the girl is returned to her world and the energy of the city is changed from the screams of children to laughts.

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2020

The sagrada familia

The sagrada familia is a magnificent church in Barcelona made of concrete. It's 172 meters high! It's not finished because the arquitect who designed the church died.

It is extremely exotic and extremely beautiful, designed by the Antoni Gaudí. During a year, a lot of people visit the different rooms and floors, and you go to different ceremonies. 

In my opinion, the sagrada familia is fantastic and I love it. It's huge, and that make's me crazy! The church is not finished. The worse thing of the church, is that there's a lot of tourist during the year and it's always full.