martes, 1 de mayo de 2018


Hi Petter,

We're in Narnia! We arribed three days ago and it's been great. Have you ever been? Don't worry it's a joke! I can't belive the week has passed so quikly - we've done lots of different things that I've enjoyed. 

I've visited quickly the evil castle, swum peacefully in the river, eaten xurros and slept in a excelent bed.

One day I walked across the mountain, drank a cold tea and saw the lion. It was amazing!

I haven't seen any birds and I haven't seen a dog yet.

Love you: 

                                                         P.D.: See you the next week!

sábado, 10 de febrero de 2018

Dear uncknow sir,

I am writing to invite you to my life.

To tell you, it won't be easy, I am a complicated girl, always in love, in the moon, headeche and I don't like some people but, don't worry. I also have advantages, few, maybe but on my own.

I like singing and animals, I love them! But I'm not here for this, no. I'm here to explain our future as friends.

I am always going to sing, so to stay with me will be as if you have a soundtrack. I am going to have an answer for everything, maybe a bit late but I am going to have it.

They will be fun days. All in all, aI am always doing things that ara unless and surprising. One day you'll help me. the truth is that I'm quite unstable with the feelings and it will help you in a future time, becouse, I suppous you will have some problem, too. 

I think you will enjoy with me. I'll be waiting you.

I look for forward hearing from yo.

Best wishes,